Chocolate Covered CornFlake Clusters
Valentines day usually screams chocolate and/or something sweet.
So I add this little recipe to our valentines day by either having them served like granola for breakfast.
Shape it into hearts and place them in valentines day themed goodie bags.
Just laying around the house in little pieces for a chocolate snack!
What do you get when you combine Frosted Flakes and melted Chocolate Chips?
*Warning: This is not a joke
You get glorious, chocolatey, sweet, and crunchy clusters!
These treats are so quick and easy to make.
3 Ingredients! Chocolate Chips, Frosted Flakes Cereal, and Cranberries.
You can also alter the additional ingredients to make a variation of flavors. Shredded Coconuts, Almonds, Raisins, etc.! Go wild! :-D

These clusters also allow you to be creative if you want by shaping them into whatever shapes you want.
I make these around Valentines Day, so HEARTS are in full force!
2 Cups (12 ounces) Semisweet Chocolate Chips/Chunks
3 cups Frosted Corn Flakes
1/3 cup Dried Cranberries
Place 1 cup of the Semisweet Chocolate Chips in a small glass bowl.
Boil enough water to place underneath the small glass bowl with the chocolate chips in it. The hot water will heat the small glass bowl and slowly melt the chocolate.
Stir the chocolates vigorously with a silicone spatula. As the chocolates start to melt, continuing to stir vigorously with the spatula. Add the remaining chocolates and stir vigorously until melted and smooth. Heat only until the chocolates are just melted.
Place the Frosted Corn Flakes in a medium bowl.
Pour the melted chocolate over the cornflakes and immediately start folding them together with a rubber spatula. You'll need to work quickly so the chocolate doesn't harden during the stirring process.
Now add in the Cranberries (or any other additions such as shredded coconuts, almonds, raisins, etc.)
Line a sheet pan with parchment paper. Working with 2 large spoons, spoon 4 mounds of the chocolate crisp mixture onto the paper.
Set aside at room temperature to cool completely until hardened. (Speed up the process by placing in either the fridge for an hour to overnight, or in the freezer for 30min.)
Remove the crisps from the paper and serve how you prefer.
*Microwave users - Place the bowl in a microwave on high heat for 30 seconds, If the chocolate isn't completely melted, microwave it for another 10 seconds.