How to: Easily Grow Sweet Potatoes- 2 Methods
It’s always a good time to start growing your own food at home.
There are so many methods and ways to have food at your home weather big or small, a full backyard or on a balcony.
People have come up with so many ways to be self sufficient and control what you eat and what you need to pay for.
Sweet Potato’s are one of the first things you can give a try right at home on your window seal.
So the next time you go to the grocery store, pick up a couple of Organic Sweet Potato’s and let the experiments commence (If you have kids, this is a great science experiment as well)
Why Organic Sweet Potatoes?
Conventional Sweet Potatoes have a chemical on them to prevent them from sprouting (This way they last longer in the store).
Organic Sweet Potatoes don't have chemicals on them and will sprout BEAUTIFULLY!!
This is a great time to grab small sweet potatoes that everyone passes up on.
The small potatoes will also help your bank account when weighed per lbs at checkout.
2 Easy Methods:
#1.) Dirt: Cover Sweet Potato in Moist Dirt
*Preferably Seed starting Soil/Potting Soil Bought in a bag
#2.) Water: Place sweet potato in a cup of water
*Make sure to Leave half of the sweet potato out of the water.
*Also Change water a couple times a week :-)

Either Method, Just make sure to give your Sweet Potato lots of SUN!
Also keep it moist…
In 2 Months you will have slips that have formed from the mother.
You will need to remove the slip from it’s mother and set in a cup of water large enough to keep the roots covered for another 2-4 weeks.
Once this time is up… You will have a green baby ready to be planted in a sunny spot in the yard with very loose soil.
Starting your slips February/March gives enough time for when the slips need to go outside in temperatures that remain above 50 degrees at night.
Below you will find a FREE Infographic to copy, so you can remember how to grow Sweet Potato Slips from a Glance!
Also, make sure to follow me on Youtube to see a quick tutorial with extra tips.