Easy Hot Chocolate Spoons as Gifts
I haven’t met anyone yet that doesn’t like a nice warm cup of Hot Chocolate. Even a crazy coffee lover, can easily replace one of their cups of coffee sometimes for a warm and sweet hot chocolate Indulgence.
One of my favorite things to do is make perfectly portioned individual Hot Chocolate Gifts! No need to bust out one of those powdered packages with powdered milk and the need for water. Eek!
I need my hot chocolate to be creamy!
The best thing about this recipe is that the spoons can be whatever flavor your little heart desires!
AND on top of that you can use whatever milk substitute for a dairy free hot chocolate pleasure! If I’m out of milk (becuase my son is a Milk Chugger!) My favorite non dairy version is Cashew Milk.
Whatever you choose, this will be the easiest hot chocolate gift you could give, or make ahead of time for your own household!

I tend to stick to easy flavors such as dark chocolate, milk chocolate, peppermint, orange, and of course... Marshmallow for all my friends who haven’t ditched that craving yet.
Marshmallow is the easiest addition. If you want to have a peppermint flavor, just crush a few candy canes or mints in a baggie. While an orange flavored chocolate spoon require the zest of an orange.
Besides having your flavors, your also going to need a few supplies!
As for the gift giving, a trip to The Dollar Store makes this a really inexpensive gift for a lot of people!
I use Plastic ‘‘Soup’’ Spoons. You can also use regular plastic spoons as well, just add as much chocolate to the spoons as the spoons will allow. Refrigerating them. After chocolate has hardened, dip the chocolate spoons into more chocolate. Repeat this process as much as you like! :-D
Along with the plastic spoons, I like to purchase festive baggies and cut them at the sides and the bottom to get double the amount of paper on the package (ex. if a package reads 10 bags, I’ll end up with 20 perfect pieces of wrap for this recipe!) $1 for wrapping a whole batch of these! Score!
Just sprinkle/add your flavor choice onto the chocolate covered spoons.
Then your done! Let these beauties sit on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
You can speed up the hardening process by refrigerating these for 20 min.
If you don’t have room in your refrigerator, you can just let these sit out at room temp for an hour! :-D

For a professional/neat look to the marshmallow version. I let the chocolate cool on the spoon first. Then, I dip the marshmallows into some extra melted chocolate, stick them onto the spoons, and drizzle with more chocolate on the top.
Place your finished spoons in the wrap and tie them together with a Twist Tie (those free tie things you wrap your produce with).
The dollar store baggies I purchase come with these tie things. If you don’t have these on hand, you can use tape of any kind instead! :-)

Lastly, print or write out the directions on your preferred piece of paper. I sometimes use little gift tags or simple computer paper that I printed my words on, and cut them out after.
Make a little hole in your instructions, then push the handle of the spoon through it.
Get as creative as you want! The best part of this gift, is a free cup of delicious cocoa!
Use these for many things! Stocking stuffing for the office, a little chocolate treat for all the waitstaff at your favorite restaurant, a holiday party/dinner, stock up a dorm room, or birthday party treat basket.
Anything you can think of, Hot Chocolate Spoons are perfect for gift giving!
The hard part is NOT keeping them all for yourself!
1 1/4 cup (10oz Bag) Chocolate Chips
1/2 cup marshmallows (optional)
2+ Tablespoons (3 sticks) Crushed Candy Canes/Peppermint sticks/mints (optional)
Zest of 1 Orange (optional)
- Melt Chocolate Chips in a bowl
- Dip a spoon at a time in melted chocolate and scoop enough chocolate to fill the spoon.
- Place spoons on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
- Add/sprinkle your preferred flavored topping on the spoons. As much as you prefer. The more the stronger the flavor.
- Let the spoons cool and harden at room temperature for a couple of hours, or place in the refrigerator for at least 20 min to speed up the process.
Gift Wrapping:
Supplies needed-
- Gift Wrap (decorated plastic baggies)
- Twist Ties or Tape
- Scissors for cutting
- Place your finished spoons in the wrap
- Pinch wrap at the base of the spoon with fingers tightly
- Tie wrap and spoon together with a Twist tie
- Write Labels or Cut out Printed Labels
- Cut a slit in labels
- Push spoon handle through slit in paper
3 Step Hot Cocoa Spoon Instructions:
Step 1: Steam or Microwave 1 Cup Milk till HOT
Step 2: Stir Hot Cocoa Spoon in HOT Milk till Chocolate Dissolves
Step 3: Enjoy!! :-)
- Makes 14 - 15 Chocolate filled Spoons
- For marshmallow spoons, add the marshmallows after the spoons have cooled. Dip the marshmallow in some chocolate and place onto the hardened chocolate and drizzle with a little more chocolate. Let harder again before trying to wrap!
- Some Large Peppermint Chips will NOT Dissolve, But adds a nice crunch in the end!