D.I.Y: How to Mince Your Own Fresh Garlic

This is for all the garlic lovers out there! I'm sure that there are many garlic fans because that includes myself. I love putting garlic in most of my dishes. But if my mom is involved, I have to use a "Mother" Load! I guess thats where that phrase had to be derived from (or maybe from The Sims? HA! Cheat much?) .

My mother can absolutely tell if there isn't any garlic in the meal. If there isn't then the food isn't good enough! 

Well let me tell you, I started to stare at those tall jars in the stores full of already minced garlic. I dreamed of how my fingers would get a break of smelly-ness. How a whole step of chopping could be skipped when simply searing up a juicy steak or seasoning my oil for that "Oh So Wonderful!" garlic flavor.


But those jars are full of so much water, the flavor isn't the same. Also some jars of garlic have many more other things besides garlic. I don't want all those other things, I just want garlic. not to mention it's not fresh, so your not getting the full garlic flavor.

No wonder my mother was always loading tablespoons of garlic into her food with those jars. When it's fresh and not watered down it only requires a couple of cloves to do the trick.

Don't you worry cyber friends, there is a way, and it's located below. The same idea that those "garlic in a jar" companies came up with. Except this is an all natural, flavor fresh trick. I got this tip from a friend who is really good with planning ahead. I don't know about you, but I need those type of friends!



Garlic Cloves, Peeled (5 bulbs)

2 tablespoon olive oil



Put both ingredients into food processor and pulse several times till you have reached the desired consistency.

Last for months if kept refrigerated. Can be doubled or tripled!